

Sightings is an American paranormal and news television series that originally aired from April 17, 1992 to August 1, 1997. The program began as a special titled The UFO Report: Sightings on October 18, 1991. The original Concept Creator and Supervising Producer of that hour special produced by Paramount for Fox TV was Linda Moulton Howe, an Emmy Award-winning TV producer and documentary filmmaker of TV specials about science and the environment. One of her Emmy award-winning broadcasts was A Strange Harvest, about the worldwide animal-mutilation mystery linked by law enforcement to extraterrestrial biological entities.

First Release: Apr 17, 1992

Duration: 1h 0m

Genres: Documentary


Episodes: 26

Actors: John J. Vogel, Henry Winkler, Tim White

Director: Linda Moulton Howe

IMDb: 8.5/10

Season 3 Full Episode List

1. Heartland Ghost, Gulf Breeze Encounters, A Sculptor's Gift, Black Holes2. Heartland Ghost Update, Shared Memory Abduction, Watching The Skies, Schoolroom Angel, Colorado Cattle Mutilations, Ancient Creatures3. Patterns Of Denial, Pet Interpreter, Ice Circles, A Vision Of Murder, True Believers, Mars Mission Cover-Up4. Sasquatch, A Gift From The Light, Intuition, Abduction: Horror Or Hype, Future Life Progression, Crop Circle Mystery5. Tunguska, Embracing The Light, Human Candles, Crop Circles, Whaley House, Haunted High6. Psychic Eye, Prediction Update, Dragon Project, Making Of A Hoax, Power Of Prayer, S.E.T.I. Resurrected7. Halloween: Ghost Of Berry Pomeroy Castle, It Came From Outer Space, Ghost Hunt, Santeria, Moon Madness, Water Witches8. U.F.O. Confrontation: Iran, Death In The Desert, Heartland Ghost Investigation, Gift Of Life, Heartland Ghost Investigation9. Heartland Ghost Investigation, Nessie, Height 611, To Swim With Dolphins10. U.F.O. Confrontation: Mansfield, Bodega Bay Ghost, Prophecy Of Hope, Dream Murder, Power To Heal, Encounters In Space11. Apocalypse Now, A Mother's Love, Montreal Mass Sighting, Baby Jane Doe, Ishii12. Ghost Of Brookdale Lodge, Gulf Breeze Update, Spontaneous Recall, Murder On Route 2, Message From Stephen, Sci-Fi Prophets13. Avebury Mystery Lights, Alien Evolution, A Sculptor's Gift, Miner's Revenge, A Child's Premonition, The Big WOW14. Disinformation, Russian Psychics, Crop Circle Update, Trail Of Death, Guided Imagery, Quake Sense15. Time Warp, Healing Mind, New Mexico U.F.O. Mystery, Murder In Nags Head, Seventh Sense, Cattle Mutilation Update16. Heartland Aftermath, Curses, Sprites And Blue Jets, Gaia's Revenge, Outback Abduction, Heartland Online17. U.F.O.'s Over F.D.R., Heartland Aftermath, Multiple Mystery, Never Forget, Hyperspace, Dream Murder Update18. UFO Confrontation: Kentucky, SHC Update, The Final Gift, Psychic Evidence, Restless Spirits19. Mexico Mass Sightings, Twinless Twins, Conspiracy Of Silence, Cloning, Animal Communication20. Idaho U.F.O. Flap, Coma Healer, Perfect Harmony, Search For Danny, Haunted Knickerbocker, Mexico Mass Sightings Update21. Top Secret Projects, Roswell Revisited, K-911, A Call For Help, Lady In White, Taos Hum22. Allagash Abduction, Future Shock, Baleroy Ghost, Touched By Angels, U.F.O. Home Videos23. My Past Life, Heartland Ghost, Clear Intent, Snake Church, Transformed By The Light24. U.F.O. Contact: The Holyland, Saved By Angels, Bigfoot Update, Ghosts Of Gettysburg, Gaia's Revenge, U.F.O. Protocols25. What's Inside Hangar 18, Monticello Murder, Waiting Room For The Soul, Michigan Abduction, Luck, Spark Of Life In Space26. Saucers Are Real, Psychic Trauma, Walk Ins (Jason Winters),Obeah, Mexico Update, Heal Thyself