

Sightings is an American paranormal and news television series that originally aired from April 17, 1992 to August 1, 1997. The program began as a special titled The UFO Report: Sightings on October 18, 1991. The original Concept Creator and Supervising Producer of that hour special produced by Paramount for Fox TV was Linda Moulton Howe, an Emmy Award-winning TV producer and documentary filmmaker of TV specials about science and the environment. One of her Emmy award-winning broadcasts was A Strange Harvest, about the worldwide animal-mutilation mystery linked by law enforcement to extraterrestrial biological entities.

First Release: Apr 17, 1992

Duration: 1h 0m

Genres: Documentary


Episodes: 24

Actors: John J. Vogel, Henry Winkler, Tim White

Director: Linda Moulton Howe

IMDb: 8.5/10

Season 4 Full Episode List

1. Secret UFO tape; psychic seeks girl missing for 25 years; alien autopsy; Bigfoot2. Psychic policeman; ghosts on the Queen Mary3. Spirits at a former farm; UFOs over Israel; plane-crash premonition4. Life on Mars; soldier's wish; Colorado haunted house; UFOs over Iran5. Three generations of alien contact; echolocation and blindness; Bigfoot museum; faith healer; Peruvian spirits6. Savannah, GA., UFO incident; psychic constable; dreams; haunting7. Oregon ghost train; alien-autopsy footage; inventor Nikola Tesla8. Commercial jet UFO encounter; Nostradamus9. UFO in backyard; haunted ghost town; miraculous healing; Hale/Bopp comet10. UFOs; angel rescue; haunted homeless; Hawaiian highway; alien autopsy11. Haunting in Black Forest, CO; unborn soul; underwater UFO12. UFOs over Washington, DC; author Whitley Strieber; Japanese exorcism13. Government declassifies Socorro, NM, sighting; shamanism14. Pilot disappears after reporting UFO; doomsday machine15. Alien abduction; house renovation triggers paranormal phenomena; star EGGS (Evaporating Gaseous Globules)16. Civil War buffs and past lives; psychic espionage; UFO sighting in 196217. Pilot dies chasing UFO in 1948; psychic detectives; ghostly confrontation18. Monks counsel violent teens; UFOs over Peru; UFOs and religion; psychic predicts murder; canals of Mars19. Prayer and healing; sacred sites; feng shui exorcism; UFOs over Brazil; Bigfoot in Ohio20. Angels chase ghosts; paranormal politics; spiritual guidance counselor; radio signals from Mars21. Evil spirit haunts child; self-replicating UFO; psychic spy; blindness and near-death experiences22. Psychic detective; alternate Area 51; alien universe; haunted hotel; faith healer; Atlantis23. Hanged man's ghost; UFO sighting prompts investigation; brain-injury victim creates memories24. Zimbabwe sightings; psychic healing; English exorcisms; simulating out-of-body experience; ghostly voyeur